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Guiding Question: How do different features of the environment affect community health and well-being in Rasi Salai?
Purpose: This community-driven inquiry informs local researchers, grassroots organizations, and government stakeholders about population health, the built environment, and the political ecology of Rasi Salai. We hope this research will guide compensation and restoration efforts to restore community health.
Three-Step Approach: 37 citizen scientists used Stanford’s Discovery Tool mobile app to document features of their communities that impact their ability to lead healthy lives. They then reviewed their own findings, prioritized areas for change, and continued to mobilize to promote improvements that will support community health.
Discover Your Community
‣ Citizen scientists used the Discovery Tool to collect geocoded audio narratives and photographs about neighborhood features that they perceive as positively and negatively affecting their healthy living.
Discuss Findings
‣ Citizen scientists reviewed the data and trained in advocacy skills during a community meeting to prioritize their most pressing issues.
Advocate for Local Change
‣ Citizen scientists generated solutions to advocate for social and environmental health improvements that leverage key stakeholders, local decision-makers, and policy makers.